
My name is Will Bruce, and I’m a life-long spider enthusiast. I started out in the typical way – catching Argiope spiders in my yard as a kid, and then using every family camping trip or school field trip to look for other arachnids. By the age of 12, I finally managed to convince my parents to get me a Chilean Rose Tarantula. Since then, I’ve kept tarantulas, scorpions, camel spiders (Soligugids) and harvestmen – learning a lot along the way. Really though, I don’t want to just enjoy these animals myself – I want to spread awareness of their importance and just how fascinating they are. That’s why I created The Spider Blog!

Emperor Scorpion Care

Emperor Scorpion care sheet: a complete hobbyist’s guide

When it comes to pet scorpions, one species has become extremely popular: the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator). Known for their sizable, impressive stature and relatively docile nature, Emperor Scorpions have become increasingly popular pets for those with a keen interest in the arachnid world. In this blog post, I’ll provide an in-depth guide to Emperor …

Emperor Scorpion care sheet: a complete hobbyist’s guide Read More »

A guide to pseudoscorpions in New York

A guide to pseudoscorpions in New York

As an avid arachnid enthusiast, I’ve spent countless hours observing and studying these fascinating creatures in their natural habitats. It’s quite intriguing to note the diversity of these creatures across various environments. Today, I’d like to delve into a peculiar question that I’ve often been asked, “Are there pseudoscorpions in New York?” Are There Pseudoscorpions …

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Are Jumping spiders communal?

Are Jumping Spiders communal?

As an avid hobbyist with a deep fascination for the world of arachnids, I’ve spent countless hours observing, researching, and documenting these intricate creatures. Today, I’d like to focus on a particularly charming and athletic group – jumping spiders. Many people have asked me this intriguing question: are jumping spiders communal? Let’s dive into the …

Are Jumping Spiders communal? Read More »

Green jumping spider care

Green Jumping Spider Care: a guide to Lyssomanes viridis

The Green Jumping Spider (Lyssomanes viridis), also known as the Magnolia Green Jumping Spider, is an extremely beautiful species which has some noticeable differences when compared to other members of the Salticidae family. At only 5-8mm in length, it is a small spider. It also has longer, more slender-legs in proportion to its cephalothorax and …

Green Jumping Spider Care: a guide to Lyssomanes viridis Read More »