How can pseudoscorpions be helpful to humans?
How can pseudoscorpions be helpful to humans? Well, as tiny predators, they’re great at eating bugs that would otherwise damage our books, furniture and food…
Everyone’s heard of Spiders and Scorpions – but what about the other arachnids? In this category we’ll take at these oddballs, from Harvestmen to Tailless Whip Scorpions.
How can pseudoscorpions be helpful to humans? Well, as tiny predators, they’re great at eating bugs that would otherwise damage our books, furniture and food…
What are the little red spiders? They aren’t spiders at all, they’re mites. Unlike the parasitic mites such as chiggers, these are completely harmless…
What do Tailless Whip Scorpions eat? In short, anything that is pretty small and doesn’t fight back too much. Keep reading to find out more…
Despiting looking really scary, these arachnids are in fact incredibly shy, and completely harmless. Let’s take a look at some Tailless Whip Scorpion facts…
What do Harvestmen eat? Whilst they might look like spiders, they don’t follow the same strictly-carniviorous diet as them. In fact, harvestmen eat a bit of everything…
Harvestmen spiders, also known as a daddy long legs are believed to be one of the most poisonous arachnids in the world. Fortunately, this belief is a myth…
It’s not a spider, and it doesn’t have any interest whatsoever in camels. So how did the Camel Spider get its name? Keep reading to find out the answer…
It’s not often that an arachnid is weird and cute, but this one certainly pulls it off! Keep reading to learn some fascinating Bunny Harvestman Spider facts…
They are well-known for being fast, and more than a little ferocious – but what are Camel Spiders? Let’s take an in-depth look to find out…
Where does the Camel Spider live? This peculiar arachnid lives around the world, but has a strong preference for certain habitat types…