
Scorpions are every bit as fascinating, and misunderstood, as other arachnids. Of particular interest are their most famous adaptations: the stinging tail and pinching pedipalps.

can you eat a scorpion?

Can you eat a Scorpion?

As an arachnid enthusiast, I often find myself surrounded by creatures that would make most people squeamish. Scorpions, tarantulas, whip spiders – they’re all part of my daily life. They’re beautiful, intricate creatures, each with their unique behaviors and survival strategies. Recently, I’ve been intrigued by a rather unexpected question: Can you eat a scorpion? […]

Can you eat a Scorpion? Read More »

Emperor Scorpion Care

Emperor Scorpion care sheet: a complete hobbyist’s guide

When it comes to pet scorpions, one species has become extremely popular: the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator). Known for their sizable, impressive stature and relatively docile nature, Emperor Scorpions have become increasingly popular pets for those with a keen interest in the arachnid world. In this blog post, I’ll provide an in-depth guide to Emperor

Emperor Scorpion care sheet: a complete hobbyist’s guide Read More »