Last updated on February 1st, 2023 at 09:53 am
The Curly Hair Tarantula growth rate is variable, but tends to be faster than many other species. Keep reading to learn about factors that affect growth…
The curly hair tarantula is a medium-sized spider that is commonly native to Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Their body has a brown-black base color with curled hair from where they derive their name. They grow at a fairly fast rate, almost always maturing within five years.
Given their mild temper, they are usually referred to as beginner-level tarantulas and can be easily bred in captivity with minimum care.
Curly Hair Tarantula size
Curly Hair Tarantula can grow up to 2.8 inches in body length, which is roughly about 6 – 7 cm. They have a leg span of about 5.5 to 5.8 inches long. These are reasonably fast-growing spiders and can take 4 to 5 years to reach full maturity.
This might sound like a long time, but some species like the Arizona Blonde Tarantula, can take a full 10 ten years to reach maturity!
Curly Hair Tarantula lifespan
The lifespan of curly hair tarantulas is different for both males and females. When in captivity, the lifespan of a male tarantula is up to 5 years whereas that of a female tarantula is about 20 years.
In some cases, this can go as high as 25 years. Reasons why female tarantulas live longer than males are:
- When in the wild, the male tarantulas have a tendency to wander off and hence became easier prey for other predators. Due to this tendency, they live for a shorter duration than a female tarantula.
- As the female tarantulas are responsible for giving birth, breeders usually give more care and attention to the female tarantula. This further contributes to a longer lifespan.
- Upon reaching maturity, most male tarantulas die off on their own.

Good husbandry for healthy growth
Curly hair tarantulas are gentle and docile and make for great pets if they are provided with the right conditions to grow and flourish. They are great for beginners as essentially they are quite low maintenance if a few basic needs and requirements are taken care of.
The tanks or enclosures in which they are kept must meet certain dimensions. The temperature and humidity levels of the tank should also be measured and monitored regularly, as any inconsistencies in these can distress the spider.
It is also important to feed them at regular intervals depending on their level of growth, and their enclosures should be kept clean, especially in terms of any prey remnants.
Extra care and monitoring should be undertaken when the spider is molting. While it is a natural process, it is also a time of great vulnerability for the spider, and one must be more vigilant during this phenomenon.

Curly Hair Tarantula tank setup
A ten-gallon tank with good ventilation is ideal for a curly hair tarantula. Because they are burrowers and not big on climbing, the focus of their enclosure is the surface area on the ground rather than the height of the tank.
Since these spiders are not climbers, the vertical space of the tank does not need to be decorated or equipped for their needs. Instead, a substrate is created to add depth which lets them burrow and hide.
The substrate is nearly 3 inches and is made up of peat moss, vermiculite, or chemically-free potting soil. One can also use coconut husk bedding. Additionally, it is recommended to add some pieces of clay or a hollow log to provide it with hiding places.
It is also very important to provide the curly hair tarantula with the right temperature for it to thrive. The temperature should always stay between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
One can maintain that by using heating pads or any other artificial means, but at no point should the tank be kept under direct sunlight. It is also key to maintaining humidity levels around 65% to 70%. A spray bottle can be used from time to time to achieve these.
Lastly, the tarantula does not require any special lighting but does require a day/night cycle.

Curly Hair Tarantula tank size
The ideal dimensions of the tank or enclosure for proper care and growth of this species should be 40 x 30 x 30 ( L x W x H). Since this species of tarantulas are burrowers and not climbers, it is important to account for a 3 to 6-inch substrate to provide them with depth.
Curly Hair Tarantula temperature
The growth temperature that needs to be maintained in the tank or the enclosure should be anywhere between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be achieved by using a heating pad or any other artificial means.
Be sure to not overheat the tank and to keep it out of direct sunlight.

The humidity levels of the enclosure or tank need to be maintained up to a certain percentage which will allow them to thrive. This should be anywhere between 65% – 70%.
However, one can also use a spray bottle to spray the enclosure to raise the humidity levels. Don’t spray directly on the spider.
It is also important to keep in mind that excessive moisture can also lead to moss and mold growth which needs to be cleaned out immediately from the tank. If it seems as if the molding has spread to the bedding, it is best to remove that portion of the bedding.
Also, ideally, change the substrate every 6 months to ensure cleanliness as well as to maintain the health of the spider.
Do curly hair tarantulas need moist substrate?
High humidity conditions are preferred by curly hair tarantulas. You can monitor them by using a hygrometer. One can use a spray bottle to increase the humidity of the tank as and when required.
One can spray and moisten the walls and the substrate. It is important to be careful while spraying the substrate as while the spider does like it moist, it should not be soaked or swampy. It should be damp under with a relatively dry top layer.

Curly hair tarantulas eat a variety of insects like worms, roaches, crickets, fruit flies, mealworms, wax worms, and more. As they grow, the intervals in which they need to be fed reduce.
This means that younger tarantulas or spiderlings need to be fed every two to five days a week. On the other hand, adult curly hair tarantulas need to be fed once a week.
It is advised to just drop the live prey in the tank or the enclosure. It is also recommended to remove any old carcasses or unwanted prey from previous feedings as it can stress out the spider and also affect the general health of the tank.
In addition to this, it is also suggested to keep a water dish in the tank for the tarantula to hydrate. Do remember to change the water every day. Also, ensure that the dish is such that the spider can get in and out easily.

FAQ relating to Curly Hair Tarantula growth rate
Curly Hair Tarantulas are extremely low-maintenance pets. One can get by keeping them as pets with the right habitation, periodic cleaning, and regular feeding intervals.
They have a medium growth rate and do not grow beyond 7 – 8 cm, with a leg span that stretches slightly higher.
Do curly hair tarantulas like to be handled?
Curly hair tarantulas make for great beginner pets. Their temperament is very gentle and docile, and they can be handled gently but only for a short duration as they get frightened very easily.
Repeated handling can cause them stress as well as runs the risk of dropping them which can prove to be fatal for the spiders. It is also advised to be seated on the floor when handling them to prevent accidental high drops and hurting your pet.
When stressed from handling, to defend themselves, it might send urticating hair. This can be quite painful and can cause redness, itching, and some swelling. While it does provide discomfort, it is not something that needs to be worried about.

How many babies can a Curly Hair Tarantula have?
Mating and reproduction in curly hair tarantulas happen largely at the discretion of the female spider. While the tarantula can lay eggs anywhere between 500 – 1000, it is only possible if the female spider is receptive.
In cases where the female spider is not receptive, it acts aggressively towards the male spider, which sometimes also leads to having it for her dinner.
However, if the sperm deposition by the male spider is successful, the female lays the egg. She then guards them for 8 weeks until they hatch into little spiderlings.
How long does it take for Honduran curly hair to grow?
The Honduras curly hair is a subtype of the curly hair species. These are fast to medium-growing spiders. While they also grow up to 5 – 6 inches, it may take five years.
It easily takes a female Honduras curly-hair spider to reach full growth only at or after 5 years of its life span. In most cases and at most intervals of the lifespan, the female spiders are larger than the male spiders.
How big do Honduran curly hair tarantulas get?
Adult Honduran curly-hair tarantula can grow up to 5 – 6 cm, and they have a 5 – 6 inch leg span. However, because their growth rate is usually between fast to medium, they don’t reach their full adult size until they are 5 years of age. (this is fast for a tarantula, but not fast for spiders in general)
It is essential to feed them at the correct intervals to aid their growth. For the young spiderlings, feeding them thrice a week is sufficient.