Owner: William Bruce

Will is the owner of The Spider Blog, and an all-round arachnid superfan. He’s kept all kinds of tarantulas, scorpions, harvestmen, whip scorpions, and more. With a lot of knowledge and experience to share, he decided to start the site and get as much information on here as possible. So far, it’s going great, but arachnids are a big topic! Over the next few years, Will aims to add literally hundreds more articles to cover every question you could ever ask about our invertebrate friends.
Will’s qualifications
When it comes to qualifications, Will has both a BSc Zoology, and a certificate in Applied Science. He also has several years of experience as a biology writer, focusing mainly on topics related arachnnids and reptiles.
You can contact Will at: Thespiderblog9@gmail.com
Alternatively, you can catch up with him on LinkedIn.
Author: Richie Scott

Our latest team member, Richie is a freelance content writer who started working with The Spider Blog in 2023. Like Will, Richie has a BSc, and is able to fully research tricky arachnid questions with ease. He is now writing new posts for the site, and helping to add to its growing category of invertebrate articles.
If you’d like to ask Richie to write for your site, you can contact him at: richiescott@thespiderblog.com
Richie is also on LinkedIn, but email is generally the fastest way to get in touch.
For more detailed information on how to get in touch, and The Spider Blog’s social profiles – head over to the Contact page. Or, for more information on Will’s background, check out About Us.