Last updated on February 1st, 2023 at 09:54 am
Time to learn a little more about one of the world’s favorite pet spiders. Come and check out my Curly Hair Tarantula facts to learn why it’s so popular…
Tlitocatl albopilus or the Curly Hair Tarantula is the tarantula that is known to have the longest, curliest hair. It is a docile species found in Central America and has a leg span of around 5 to 6 inches. In this article, we’ll look at some facts to help you with its husbandry.
Curly Hair Tarantula care
The curly hair tarantula is a docile spider that has a calm temperament. This is the reason many people keep this spider as a pet.
Since it is a terrestrial animal, you need to provide it an enclosure with substrate. Since it likes to burrow, you need to provide it a substrate to burrow.
You also need to provide it places to hide since it does not like remaining for long in the open. This spider molts regularly and removes its exoskeleton. Once the spider matures, it would molt once a year, in the case of females.
Adult make curly hairs may not molt at all. It is important to remove the discarded exoskeleton. It is a low maintenance pet and not very active. It is easy to care of requiring only feeding and occasional enclosure cleaning.
It is a new world tarantula that do not have any special care needs. Taking care of it is fairly easy, which is why even beginners can keep it as a pet.

The curly hair tarantula eats insects in the wild along with other smaller arthropods. If you are keeping this spider as a pet, you need to be aware of its diet. You can feed it Dubia roaches, crickets, mealworms, and other insects.
Avoid feeding it insects found outside, since they can have harmful parasites. You must ensure the size of the insects being fed is smaller than its abdomen size. Most adult curly hairs can be fed 5 to 6 medium crickets and it will last them for anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.
It is not required to offer water since the spider gets its water from its meal. However, you can keep a bottle cap with water in case your pet curly hair needs hydration.
The spider usually fills the bottle cap with dirt or overturns it. So, you may need to replace it frequently to ensure your pet has access to water.
How long can a curly hair tarantula go without eating?
Curly hair tarantulas are resilient spiders. In the wild, they can survive for a long time without eating.
Some curly hairs have survived without eating anything for even two years. They can survive on water. In fact, water and humidity have a much faster effect on their health. In a nutshell, getting too dry can quickly kill a tarantula.

Curly Hair Tarantula tank size
When you keep the curly hair tarantula as a pet, you need a tank for it. The tank size should be 5 or 10 gallons. Height is not an issue, since the tarantula is not a good climber. It needs sufficient space to move around.
Tank width should be at least 2 to 3 times the spider’s leg span. This is a minimum, though and it can be more.
The tank length should be 3 times its leg span. The height of the tank can be a foot. It needs to have a lid to prevent the tarantula from escaping. Ensure the tank lid is properly ventilated.
Curly Hair Tarantula tank setup
Get a 10 gallon tank for your pet curly hair tarantula. You need to add substrate to the tank, since this spider is terrestrial by nature.
You can use peat moss or potting soil (free from chemicals) or even vermiculite. 3 inches of substrate is needed at the bottom of the tank.
Include a hollow log, cork bark pieces, or a piece of a flower pot. These are places that your spider will use to hide. Providing such spots is important for your pet curly hair to be comfortable.
The tank should be maintained at a temperature of 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a heating pad under the tank for this. Avoid the tank getting direct exposure to sunlight. A humidity of 60 to 85 percent is needed and you can achieve this by misting the tank.

Curly Hair Tarantula male vs female
There are significant differences between the male and female curly hair tarantula:
- The male of the species is lighter in color.
- Females are slightly larger when compared to males.
- A male would have hooks on their underside. The hook keeps the fangs of the female away while mating.
- The male lives for around 9 or 10 years, while the female lives can live up to 20 years.
- A male curly hair faces the risk of being killed by eaten by the female.
- The male’s sex organ is a bulb located near the fangs. Females have a bump in the abdomen where they store the sperm after mating.
Curly Hair Tarantula handling
The curly hair tarantula is known to be a docile spider. This is why people prefer keeping it as a pet. Even though it has venom, the tarantula rarely bites. It can bite if it feels threatened and so should be handled with care.
Ideally you should avoid handling your curly hair. Even if you hold the tarantula, it is not likely to bite.
Avoid over handling and never touch when it is molting. When you take the curly hair in your hand, do it over a soft surface so your pet is not harmed if it falls.

Curly Hair Tarantula for sale
If you are thinking of keeping a curly hair tarantula as a pet, you should buy from a reputed source. If you can, always buy them direct from a breeder. Alternatively, you can also get them from specialized exotic pet stores – just make sure they have a good reptutation.
On average, the curly hair tarantula costs around $25.
Are Curly Hair Tarantulas arboreal?
Curly hair tarantulas are terrestrial and fossorial species. They are not arboreal, since they do not stay on trees.
They move about on the ground and prefer to burrow in the soil. They hide in tree trunks and avoid spending time in the open.
When you keep a curly hair as a pet, you need to provide it soil and spaces to hide.
Is a curly hair tarantula Fossorial?
Yes, the curly hair tarantula is a fossorial creature. Fossorial creatures are those that burrow.
The curly hair tarantula is fossorial and will burrow into the soil. It does this to get shelter from the heat and also to protect itself from predators.

FAQs relating to Curly Hair Tarantula facts
If you are interested in knowing more facts about the Curly Hair Tarantula, then go through the FAQ’s. The answers will help you understand all about this spider.
Are curly hair tarantulas poisonous?
Like all other tarantulas, the curly hair tarantula is venomous, not poisonous. Poisonous animals are those which are harmful too eat, whereas venomous animals are those that can inject venom through a bite or scratch.
It has venom and injects it when it bites using its fangs. Fortunately, the venom is not very toxic. While small arthropods may die from the venom, humans are not affected.
The venom can cause an allergic reaction in humans. This species of spider is hairy and has urticating hair on its abdomen. If it feels threatened, it flings the hair. If the hair falls on human skin, it can cause irritation.
You may feeling itching or a burning pain if bitten or if you come into contact with the hair. Severe reactions are unlikely.
Are curly hair tarantulas good pets?
Yes, the curly hair tarantula would be a good pet. People who prefer exotic pets like spiders would find this species ideal to keep. The curly hair tarantula is even-tempered and docile by nature. It is not aggressive and unlikely to bite unless it feels threatened.
This is why people prefer to keep it as a pet. It is a low maintenance pet that does not require too much of care. However, you must note it is not a pet like a cat, dog, or rabbit that can be petted. You should avoid handling it.
You need to be patient if you want to handle your pet tarantula. Do not grab it or handle it forcibly. While handling, ensure you do it over a soft surface to prevent your pet from falling and hurting itself.
It can climb on to your hand and allow you to touch it. But do not overdo the handling, since your pet may not like it. It is an ideal pet for people who do not wish to handle their pet and only want to spend time watching it.

Are curly hair tarantulas fast?
The curly hair tarantula can be surprisingly fast. It is an active animal that keeps moving around. The curly hair is a spider that does not weave a web. It chases its prey and kills it using its fangs.
It can move very fast, which is why you need to be careful while handling to prevent it from escaping.
How long do tarantulas live curly hair?
The average life span of tarantulas is anywhere from 10 to 20 years. This varies from species to species.
There are some species of tarantulas that can live up to 30 years in captivity. In the wild, its life span is lesser since it is at risk of being killed by predators.
The curly hair tarantula can live anywhere from 10 to 20 years. On average, males live for around 10 years while females live up to 20 years.