Brazilian Black Tarantula care and faqs

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula?

Last updated on February 1st, 2023 at 09:57 am

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula? It can be around two decades in captivity, with good care. Sadly males don’t live as long as females, though… 

These tarantulas are found in the famous Amazon basin. Both the male and female tarantula spiders have some slight differences. However, both have a common interest in burrowing. These black spiders are relatively calm and relaxed and their lifespan is worth noting. While the male spiders live only 5 to 8 years, the females live for up to 20 years.

Read this article that shares relevant information about the lifespan of Brazilian Black tarantulas.

Brazilian Black Tarantula growth rate

The Brazilian tarantulas (Grammostola pulchra) have a meager growth rate. They take years to grow up. Both male and female spiders need around 7 to 8 years of life to fully mature and thrive.

While the male Brazilian spiders live for a span of 6 to 8 years, the female spiders live for around 20 years.

There are not many differences between male and female spiders. Both can often confuse people in a first glance. 

See this video attached that will help you understand these spiders in a much better way.

Brazilian Black Tarantula male lifespan

The Brazilian tarantulas are interesting species. The male Brazilian black spiders live for 5 to 8 years. They may die even earlier in the wild though.

The main causes of death in the wild are down to their life cycle and include:

  • predation when wandering looking for females
  • getting squashed when wandering looking for females
  • getting eaten by a femal when they finally find one!

The male spiders are also very friendly and so people like keeping them as pets. However, proper care should be taken in context of their nutrition and home care if one considers to buy them as pets.

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula?

Brazilian Black Tarantula male vs female

Both the female and male Brazilian black spiders appear to be the same. However, there are some differences between the two. 

It is mostly the males in humans that approach women first. Similarly, the male spiders make the first step to attract the female tarantulas. The female Brazilian tarantula lays around 50 to 200 eggs in one single egg sack.

If they sense any interest from the female, then this would result in mating between the two.

This move is done to protect themselves from the wrath of the female tarantulas. In another case, juvenile spiders may kill and eat female spiders. 

The female Brazilian spiders grow 8 inches in size, living for up to 20 years, while the male lives for just 7 to 8 years.

How big do male Brazilian black tarantulas get?

We know that male black tarantulas live for around 6 to 8 years. During this time, they grow to an average size of 6 to 7 inches.

Since these spiders grow in full size in around seven to eight years, it is unfortunate that they die when they attain a full body size.

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula?

Brazilian Black Tarantula cost

Brazilian tarantulas are extraordinary and can be considered somewhat exotic. Since they are native to Brazil and Uruguay, most of the ones we have in North America are captive-bred.

This is one reason why their costs also increase in countries to which they are not native. An average Brazilian tarantula costs between $100 to $150, which also varies owing to its age, size, and gender.

There is a very basic cost difference between the male tarantulas and the female ones. The male tarantulas are less expensive than the female ones because they have a relatively small life span of nearly just 6 to 8 years, as against two decades of female Brazilian spiders.

An additional factor that increases the cost of spiders is their age. For example – When you buy a completely grown spider, its cost increases.

This is because in this case, raising a spider throughout its young age requires more care which directly increases the expenses.

Are Brazilian black tarantulas endangered?

No, the Brazilian spiders are not endangered. They do not come under the list of species that are threatened.

Even though they are found in very specific countries and places, they are not threatened to be endangered.

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula?
Brazilian Black Tarantula next to its burrow

Brazilian Black Tarantula tank size

For Brazilian tarantulas, tanks are their home, and homes need proper care and construction. The tank should be constructed in accordance with the size of the spiders.

Since black spiders span an 8-inch size, they require sufficient area to thrive and live their life.So, a completely grown Brazillian black spider requires twelve inches by ten-inch tank enclosure size.

These spiders enjoy burrowing and so this should also be kept in mind. Hence, we can also say that the ideal width of the spider enclosure tank should be thrice the tarantula’s leg span area.

It is important to ensure that the height of the tank is not very high. This may result in spiders falling from the top of the tank. This may even cause their death.

Since these spiders like burrowing, it is nice to put some soil inside the tank. At the same time, the pet owner should also regularly clean the spider tanks.

Brazilian Black Tarantula diet

The Brazilian black spiders eat many insects – both big and small, as their food. These spiders may have a diverse diet and may feed on whatever big or small insect they may find.

For instance, these spiders may eat cock roaches, mice, mealworms, alive crickets, lizards and locusts, among other ranges of insects.

The adult Brazilian tarantulas should be given large-sized insects or many small-sized insects twice every week.

However, before buying these Brazilian spiders, one must consult the spider experts about their dietary needs and health.

They love eating the following:

  • Pinhead crickets
  • Roach nymphs
  • Small insects
  • Cockroaches

Brazilian Black Tarantula for sale

Brazilian spiders are native to Brazil and Uruguay and stay mostly in the grasslands. However, these are also imported to other countries where they are not available. Their less availability in other countries results in a direct increase in import costs.

They can either be found in some pet shops or online shops. These could be specific online pet shops or other e-commerce stores.

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula?
Large female Brazilian Black Tarantula

FAQ relating to the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula

The Brazilian black spiders steal away a lot of headlines in the spider news world. There are many questions that revolve around them. Though they scare away people, their friendly and calm nature is also highly admired.

Often people get confused with the habitat of these spiders, their food habits, or even their traits. Read some frequently asked questions below about Brazilian tarantulas.

They will help you clear your doubts and bring some clarity.

How long does it take for a Brazilian black tarantula to be fully grown?

Brazilian spiders can be quite fun to watch and observe. They mostly grow up when hidden in burrows. To be fully grown, the black tarantulas take around six to seven years.

The big and small Brazilian tarantulas all look very dangerous.

The Brazilian black spiders usually grow to an average-size of 8 inches. The male Brazilian spiders that have a shorter lifespan between 6 to 8 years. Till the time they fully mature, they die.

How much is a Brazilian black tarantula?

The average cost of Brazilian tarantulas is between $100 to $150 per spider. This cost also depends on their age, size, gender, and even location.

Male tarantulas are less expensive than the female tarantulas because they have a shorter life span of about 6 to 8 years.

What is the lifespan of a Brazilian Black Tarantula?

How venomous is a Brazilian black tarantula?

Spiders are one of the scariest and most dangerous-looking species that scare people away even with a thought. The Brazilian black tarantulas do have venom but they only seem to use it in situations of danger.

These spiders do not have any dangerous venom that could possibly cause death. However, it is better to avoid spiders that look unhealthy, and whose liquids could be poisonous to humans.

These spiders should be kept at a distance and not brought closer to your skin, especially the face. This is because these tarantulas often kick their hair as a way to defend themselves.

Their hair pricks could even result in rashes, and sometimes even some serious allergies.

How often do Brazilian black tarantulas eat?

Nutrition for spiders is as essential as it is for other species. This food gives them the energy to live, weave their webs, and simply wander in their favorite spaces.

The juvenile Brazilian tarantulas eat a lot. They usually are in need of eating one or two small insects every couple of days. They may even eat female spiders. Adult spiders need wholesome food but occasionally. They prefer eating a whole big insect to eating twice a week. On the contrary, the smaller ones need small insects every two days.

If you need more info, head over to our Brazilian Black Tarantula Care Sheet.

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